
Suzhou lTEC Intelligent Techonlogy Co.,Ltd.

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Suzhou lTEC Intelligent Techonlogy Co.,Ltd.
Phone:15906216490(Mr. Guo)
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Add: No.88 Jixiang Road, Wuzhong District, Suzhou City

Stator rotor assembly test line

  • Classification:Seat comfort system
  • Number of views:25second
  • Release date:2023/12/28 13:22:47
  • summary
Main features:
Linear transmission system
Magnetization and testing
Wire winding
Precision pressing
Glue dispensing
Off-line test
Next:Rotor assembly test line

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Address: No. 88 Jixiang Road,
Wuzhong District,
Suzhou City

Contact person: Mr. Guo

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